John Clayton Pastor

Hi! My name is John Clayton.
I am currently serving as the ‘Pastoral Care’ pastor at Cornerstone Christian Center in Dunedin. My wife and I have been part of this family for over a decade and as such have been listening and praying for many. If you just need someone to listen or pray, we’re here for you.
We too are excited about what God is doing to revitalize this local church in the aftermath of the pandemic.
My Journey
A profound vision at age 17 confirmed my “calling” to serve Jesus in some manner and over the course of my life, I have served as a Chaplains Assistant as an infantry soldier in the US Army, and ministry in the marketplace as an RV salesman and now co-owner of an RV dealership. It’s my hearts cry to serve Jesus wherever and however He leads. And, so it is now as Co-pastor at Cornerstone Christian Center. I truly believe God doesn’t always call the qualified, but He always qualifies the”called”.
My Conviction
Jesus Saves . . . . . to the uttermost!
Never underestimate God's Grace, Mercy, Compassion, Love or Forgiveness for someone.
Once forgiven . . . . forgive! If you've received His Grace, extend it. Be merciful, be loving, share His Love to everyone you meet and share His Gospel for it is the Power of God unto Salvation, for them who believe.